El proyecto DATALAICE tiene como objetivo la producción de equipamiento hospitalario mediante la combinación de tecnologías de fabricación aditiva y mantenimiento predictivo.


El proyecto DATALAICE tiene como objetivo investigar y desarrollar aquellas soluciones tecnológicas software que pudieran reducir el gasto y riesgo asociado a la implementación de nuevos CAD que incorporan inteligencia artificial.


The main goal of SUREFISH is to valorise traditional Mediterranean fish by fostering the supply-chain innovation and consumer confidence on Mediterranean fish products through deploying innovative solutions to achieve unequivocal traceability and confirming their authenticity, thus preventing frauds.


El proyecto AVICENA busca desarrollar nuevas herramientas de software para la cirugía endovascular para el tratamiento de los aneurismas de aorta abdominales. El proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar un prototipo de radiología aumentada, capaz de proyectar sobre las imágenes intra-operatorias los modelos de vasculatura y de la endoprótesis a implantar.


In the context of increasing the efficiency in the manufacturing operations, especially for SMEs, the objective of the iPlanner project is to develop a Discrete Event Simulator (or DES-based) tool, implementing it as a Finite Capacity Scheduler (or FCS), with the main aim to optimize all the manufacturing orders and processes within a factory.


Ingeniería y Control Electrónico is the coordinator of MEDITOMATO project. The main goal of MEDITOMATO is to demonstrate innovative technology solutions in three demo-sites based on PRIMA countries covering the whole tomato value chain (from agricultural production to fresh product, processing and distribution).


System for vehicle-infrastructure Interaction Assets health status monitoring (SIA) is an H2020 project funded under topic GALILEO-1-2017 - EGNSS Transport applications.


The objective of this project was establishing a commercial web portal offering in a SaaS basis the transformation of cartographic maps in different formats and resolutions to regular XYZ grid format files with the desired resolution.
